YON-KA® Paris neither endorses nor encourages the sale or purchase of our products on non-partner-affiliated websites. Products obtained from these unauthorized online retailers are NOT guaranteed by YON-KA®
When products are sold by unauthorized retailers or sites, these distribution outlets are considered to be ‘diverting products’. YON-KA® Paris neither endorses nor encourages the sale or purchase of our products on non-partner-affiliated websites. Diverted products have been obtained from unauthorized re-sellers and are being sold by unsanctioned sellers.
Authentic YON-KA® Paris products are offered for resale only by authorized skin care affiliates. YON-KA® Paris partners who do sell on the internet must adhere to our stringent terms and conditions.
Our philosophy is based on the fact that we adhere to the idea that consumers will benefit most by using our products in conjunction with regular consultation and treatments from our professional partners. This ensures that our clients are getting what they need from YON-KA to sustain a healthy skin care regimen.
YON-KA cannot vouch for the authenticity, quality, or expiration period of diverted products. Sellers on unauthorized sites are illegally using YON-KA® Paris' copyrighted images, trademarks and logos, as well as selling professional products clearly not for resale.
What are the Risks of Purchasing Diverted Products?
Diverted products can be counterfeit, old or expired, diluted or filled with unknown substances. The end result is they may not be safe to use. YON-KA® Paris stands by its products when they are purchased from authorized dealers only.
What is YON-KA® Paris Doing to Fight Diversion?
YON-KA® Paris monitors known channels of distribution and pursues legal action against diverters. We use advanced tracking systems to regularly monitor suspected diverters and trace diverted products back to their original source.
YON-KA 對於已知的非授權經銷商作出定期監察,並作出法律行動。